About Us

Is it difficult deciding which school to join?
Many of us are in such a dilemma at some point in our lives. Be it a preschool, school, or university, we all want to explore and find the educational institution to join. If you also wish to find answers to such questions, then you probably have reached the right place. SchoolToJoin is the fastest growing portal for exploring educational centers to join. The portal automatically detects the country you have logged in from. You can find and explore your school in a lot of ways. Search for your school by the country, location, category, language/medium, board affiliation, and many more options only @ SchoolToJoin.
Who are we?
We are a passionate and growing community of individuals focussed on researching and gathering information on educational institutions. Our humble mission is to provide the access to quality information on educational resources to the world. Inspiration has been a lot of our own personal challenges in accessing educational information. We hope that the knowledge available on this portal helps individuals in deciding and joining the right institution. SchoolToJoin is an initiative of Krajee Solutions, a firm specializing in building educational and technological resources for small companies.
Is this just another search site?
Well, we feel SchoolToJoin.com is more than a search site. Yes, you would find that there are a lot of options to search a school on our site. You could possibly also get some information on schools from multiple sources on the net. However, our focus at SchoolToJoin.com has been to go beyond the search capability. Firstly, we have tried our best to maintain a single comprehensive repository of updated educational information in one place, reducing the need to go to multiple places. Secondly, we give the direct ability for parents, students, and centers to participate and directly connect to each school. All of these are for FREE, and we hope that the information captured over a period of time will continually improve the quality of data and benefit our portal visitors.
How to receive/ share information?
The easiest way to get access to a ton of information through this portal is by registering. Registration is free and a fairly quick process. Parents/ students are recommended to register in order to:
- get access to their specific center details
- communicate with other users
- rate and discuss different schools
- receive email communications from the school
What else to note?
Most information available on the portal is mostly through our own mining and research on data available through public domain. We also have the center owners and school managing bodies updating and sharing their own information. While we strive to keep information updated continually, it is always recommended you contact the educational instititution (or its official site) for validated information.
If you find any objectionable, unlawful, material or any other content used without consent, please mail us the details and we will ensure prompt removal of any objectionable or copyrighted content.